Sunday, October 28, 2007

What are some Unusual Causes of Halitosis?

Generally halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath, is the result of not brushing or flossing properly. However, other unusual conditions can lead to the cause of halitosis. Some people would never even have guessed the following conditions cause halitosis, but they do. For example, diabetes is linked to the disease that causes gum halitosis. This is because the blood circulation of a person affected by diabetes causes gums to be infected. The infected gums emit an offensive odor in the mouth. At the same time, the body of a person with diabetes has less resistance to disease, which can also lead to the formation of gum disease. This problem is exacerbated in people who smoke and smoking also adds to the condition of halitosis. The condition of halitosis, which is linked to gum disease caused by diabetes, can be easily corrected. All of the above with regard to diabetes and halitosis is usually due to the lowering of blood glucose. As long as a person of glucose in the blood remains stable, that person will be able to eliminate halitosis state. Also, those who suffer from diabetes (or even without, of course) should not smoke, and this person should see the dentist regularly. Other causes of halitosis are certain medications, stomach and liver. All of this can contribute to the growth of bacteria that cause halitosis. There is no easy answer to combat halitosis in these cases. However, there are some tricks to help you. Some of these councils would be to brush after every meal, and rinse with mouthwash without alcohol. If regular mouthwash does not contribute, then 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water can be used to gargle. If children are using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, an adult should supervise him, just so that the child does not swallow. Other causes of bad breath has not yet been mentioned are those of allergies and the common cold. Fortunately, many cold symptoms can be easily treated with over the counter or prescription medications. Similarly, there are only allergy medications to a patient suffering from halitosis can be prescribed to cure the symptoms similar to that of the common cold, such as runny nose, cough, sore throat, sinus problems , and more. Medical Journals and websites, dentists, pharmacists and doctors would be the best possible information resources to address these types of symptoms. Other tips to help prevent halitosis is to stop smoking and to limit consumption of alcoholic beverages strong. Similarly, if a person wishes to reduce the risk of being ridiculous by having bad breath on a date, that person should avoid strong food flavorings such as garlic, hot spices, onions, or spinach. Foods that cause all sorts of problems for a person stomach should also be avoided, such as fried chicken or spicy chili. The reason for the gastro intestinal problems caused by ingestion of these types of foods may lead to the development of bacteria that cause halitosis. In addition, there are online resources that can help a person suffering from halitosis as well. A place to verify the processing line is the advisor of the National Society of Medicine. This information can be found at the following link. This link is a Web page with a simple questionnaire for those looking for halitosis remedies to be filled. Some of the questions ask how long bad breath has been present in a person, what age halitosis patient, and whether or not they have coughing, burns, sputum, tooth pain or sore throat. The questionnaire was provided by the National Medical Society is a resource that will help patients and friends of patients to help them find the cause of halitosis state and to recommend the most appropriate treatment in this case. This treatment sees some unique aspects of a person's overall health status and increases that person the opportunity to find adequate care. In addition, useful Web sites like, offer free information on the status halitosis and measures to combat it. At the same time, trade links will be displayed one of the websites leading to products that help combat halitosis. It is difficult to sort out all the information regarding the information sometimes advertised on commercial ties. Therefore, someone search for a cure halitosis should also consult a dentist or a person qualified to advise on halitosis.